CiPU lab
喜室好好 概念店

Feb, 2020


CiPU以設計自製的媽媽包起家,在品牌成立十周年,打造了首間概念店-CiPU LAB.

“A saccharine pink store stands out in the greenery of Minsheng Community, Taipei.”
CiPU, a famous mommy bag brand founded over a decade, opened up its first concept store –CiPU LAB.
CiPU LAB not only exhibits its merchandise and selections but offers casual pop-up events in cooperation with various types of brands. The shop-in-shop concept gives CiPU LAB a different dimension.



The color palette is the feature in CiPU LAB, with its corporate identity –pink at the heart of the designs. Without being closed in, the pink colors are created into two saturation, giving the space cohesion and layering. The neutral color materials, including grey and white lotos ceiling, white terrazzo reception desk, and dark and light grey tile pavement, lend a backdrop to the pink. The synergy between pink and muted color makes the space as if a delicious cream biscuit.


The laboratory details in the interior resonate with the “LAB” concept. The display of Erlenmeyer flasks in an area is to showcase the recycled materials of producing bags. Even bubble tea is in the glass flask for customers! The concept echoes in these lovely touches adding wow factors for space.



Layout wise, several islands in different sizes are designed interchangeable and adaptable for co-op event usages. On the pegboard wall, the pegs are placed within the holes to display a variety of items. It is also movable to increase the flexibility of merchandise presentation. The design and layout can be changed whenever required, which creating beautiful little firework explosions in the space.

而另人印象深刻的應該就是外觀轉角那面哈哈形象牆 , 原先是為了修飾建築外的凌亂管線而將之整平,

The “lol” exterior feature wall on the street corner is another impressive point. The messy pipes on the architecture were the target to renovate originally, but it turned out to incorporate uplifting brand spirit in the wall. The numerous “lol” and upbeat pink color wrapped on the exterior catch people’s eye. Immediately, a smile starts on the lips; a chuckle comes from the belly.

此次並與 CiPU 喜鋪及攝影團隊 Hey!Cheese 一同發想影片拍攝,

將民生社區的打卡景點引入影片,並隨著鏡頭一路帶到CiPU lab.概念店中,
讓整支影片除了記錄空間之外,更帶入喜鋪自身的品牌個性 。

CiPU Lab from 45tilt on Vimeo.


專案名稱 Project:喜室好好  CiPU lab.

專案位置 Location:台北市  Taipei City, Taiwan
使用面積 Area:20坪 / 65m2
空間材質 Materials:噴漆 / 樂土 / 水磨石  

設計單位 Design :肆伍形物所  45tilt Design
專案設計 Desiger:陳怡如 / 張恬嘉 /曾慶瑜 
攝影團隊 Photography: Hey! Cheese
完工時間 Realization : FEB, 2020