Unique Slime Lab - Taichung

DEC, 2020

史萊姆是一種擁有豐富延展性的安全黏土, 可以隨意打造千變萬化的型態,也可融合各式顏色及媒材, 透過史萊姆,大小朋友可以運用想像力及創造力, 將各自獨特的內在世界呈現出來,在快樂玩耍中大膽探索世界。

Slime is safe clay with rich ductility. You can create various shapes as you wish, and you can also merge all kinds of colors and media. Through slimes, all ages of kids can utilize their imagination and creativity. Present their unique inner worlds and explore the world boldly through joyful playing.
櫃位內,為將品牌形象具體表述,道具設計呈現不設限的自由造型, 流線的道具互相組合,同時也將櫃位內切割出合用的教學動線;並將實驗精神融入於空間各處,大至柱面,小至商品罐及工作服上,都像準備置身於天馬行空的實驗室中大展身手。
Within the counter, the design of the props presents unlimited style with freedom through express the objective image of the brand. The streamlining props are combined and divide the counter into a useful teaching movement line at the same time. And assimilate the experimental spirit into all spaces. From large as cylinders to small as commodity cans and work clothes, It's like emerging yourself to show your talents in an imaginative laboratory.
色彩選擇上,配合#青團隊設計的識別形象, 希望使用能讓大小朋友都被吸引的色彩,因此捨去孩童空間大多愛用的粉嫩色調, 改以飽和度高的亮色系作為品牌標準色而在空間色彩配置中,我們將色彩飽和度做些微調降, 讓空間中可保有品牌色調,也不會因為飽和色彩在小空間中顯得壓迫。
In terms of color selection, cooperate with #Jing Design Group‘s corporate identity system. We hope to draw children’s attention by using colorful colors. Therefore, we discard the pastel tones are applied in the children's spaces mostly. We altered the high color saturation as the primary brand color. To keep the branding color, we make some fine adjustments in the color saturation of space. Therefore it wouldn’t feel oppressive in a small space because of the color saturation.

在這裡,視覺形象及空間規劃互相搭配, 並透過大小朋友與史萊姆的互動,讓顧客可從中得到五感更深度的投入, 也得於在櫃位中提升更完整的品牌體驗。
Here, the visual image and spatial planning are matched. Through the interaction between children and slimes, the customers can get more rewards from the five senses. It enhances the complete brand experience in the counter.


專案名稱 Project:Unique Slime Lab 史萊姆實驗室

專案位置 Location:台中大遠百  Top City Taichung
使用面積 Area:8坪 / 26.5m2
空間材質 Materials:噴漆 / 輸出

設計單位 Design:肆伍形物所  45tilt Design
視覺設計 Visual Design:青團隊 Jing Design Group
攝影團隊 Photography: Paddy Chao
完工時間 Realization: DEC, 2020